"I can't wish blooms into place any more than I can wish fat away." I loved her analogy of wanting a garden and wanting to be thinner...both take work.
- What thoughts, images, or emotions do you associate with the word plan?Are you the kind of person who says, "I love it when a plan comes together! or are you more likely to say, "Plan-schman, cant we all just go with the flow?
They feel restrictive, like the spanx I put on to look better in my clothes.
I never knew I had such an adverse reaction to plans.
Lists I like.
I have a list started this morning for things I need to do before we go on our Czech mission trip.
I have a list on the fridge of things I would like Josh to address in the house.
I have a list of songs that I would like to download.
But no plans.
Immediately this verse comes to mind:
Proverbs 15:21 Plans fail for lack of counsel,
but with many advisers they succeed.
Good thing I've got many advisers, just in case I do have a plan! The title of Chapter 4 is even "Friends don't let friends eat before thinking."
Plans make me feel discouraged because they seem impossible to carry out. And "desperation breeds degradation" according to Terkeurst.
Good thing chapter 1 dealt with the Tower of Impossibility.
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. Be self-controlled and alert. 1Pter 5:7-8
When I want to eat and I have already eaten it has been easier to remember to take the bricks from my tower of impossibility and use them in my pathway to prayer. BUT, it is when everyone else is eating dessert that I find I don't even think or see the tower of impossibility...it is in a smokey haze like the one that covered Jacksonville yesterday.
The Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will.
Romans 8 : 26-27
I wonder.....just wonder.....if it is the word "plan" you have an issue with. I wonder because for so many years I could not say the word "goals" most especially when it came to weight loss. I used to refer to it as the g-word. Goals to me implied automatic failure so I refused to use the word, I refused to see weight loss goals....yuck, still yuck...as long as I am heading in the right direction, that's all I care about. I don't have to put a timeline on it. Anyway, the reason this pops up for me is because in a way your lists are plans. They are the steps that you need to get done in order to accomplish that specific task. I don't know...just thinking...maybe it's just another way to look at things.
Loved the whole tower of impossibility image.
Some words are just huge monsters, aren't they?
I am so glad that we can acknowledge what makes us feel restrictive... and work it through a different way... with say, a list! Sometimes are lists are just truly little goals to complete a bigger plan for the vision God has given us!
Excited to hear about your mission trip!
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