Friday, July 8, 2011

We were blessed to fly economy business from Atlanta to Prague.  I think that meant we had more leg room but not the foot rests that 1st class enjoyed.  My feet were swollen all day yesterday.  But I did sleep, which may have been from the tylenol pm I took or the gin and tonic that was complimentary with our economy business.  I was spoiled and unfortunately we do not have those seats on our flight home.  The movie they showed was.....Jane Eyre! Can you believe it?  I started watching it but the pm/gin took effect and I dozed off.
Arrival in Prague was uneventful, all our luggage was there, Marshall Brown was there to meet us and we were loaded in a nice new 8 passenger taxi and whisked through Prague to Celakovice, 45 minutes away.

Nothing was planned for the afternoon so after Josh and I picked up some bread, a pear and a Magnum bar we went for a walk.  Right behind us came Kacie, Caroline and Lindsey so they entertained us for the next hour as we strolled along the Labe river.

We met up with the Pontigos, Matt and Brendon for dinner at nearby Pizza place and then walked to the Brown's church for a worship and prayer service.  They sang one or two songs completely in Czech and three that were a mixture and ones that we were familiar with so even though they were all singing "Our God is an awesome God" in Czech we joined them in English.  I've heard it before when people have taken mission trips that they say they imagine that's what heaven must be like.  I thought it too. And since I have that wonderful disposition to now cry everytime I sing in church I was a great state to then get up and say my name and how I happened to come on the trip.  All I said was my name and that I cry alot, then I sat down. Kathryn Brown said not her kids know that it isn't just her who does that. We connected I think.We're friends on FB now.
The Browns brought some little plums off their tree to the church and I must've eaten two handfuls.
We were back at the Business School where we're staying by 8.
The rest of the team went to bed but I asked Josh if we could sit outside for a little bit so we sat on the bench for an hour.  A pimped out 4 wheeler circled the block a couple of times, Josh said I should take a picture of it but of course after I got my camera ready it didn't come by again.
This morning my watch alarm went off at 4:30 am...not my plan, I had set my phone alarm to go off at 6:30...stupid watch.  It kept going off. By 5 I was out the door with my shoes on.  Since I knew there was a good path by the river I headed there and jogged for 20 minutes and then headed back. Check that off the list for today.
Breakfast was tomotoes, soft cheese and turkey cold cuts.  There was also yogurt, hazelnut wafer cookies, fresh bread and granola.
We aren't due to leave for camp until 2, I guess we'll wander around Celakovice some more, and buy some more bread.  This will not be a low carb trip.


Gloria said...

So great to get an update while you are over there!

Went onto google maps to see the satellite images of Celakovice....but the google maps car apparently hasn't gone through the streets of Celakovice so I only the aerial view. I saw the river though.

Nice break on the economy business class! Arthur and I got to fly first class to the Philippines because of Arthur's points. It was my first time, then we had coach on the way home.

So glad you and Josh got a little time together on the bench to watch the Czech world go by.

sister sheri said...

Sounds like an amazing experience!