Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Hey, I need to go to the store today and before I did I checked out Frugal Fun and Fortune to see if there were any coupon match ups that I needed to be aware of before I went.
Most of the time I am not in the mood to enter giveaways but today kinda got me excited.
There was a purse giveaway from Cassidys Cottage.
I don't change my purse very often, mainly just when I travel. Last night I emptied the purse I took on our Czech trip and found my AirFrance refreshing towelette and it made me giddy.
Okay, I really must dash off to Publix, we have a few Czech team members coming over for dinner and John-Thomas has 10th grade orientation today so it's not like I can sit around in my robe surfing the Internet all day.
Hope you have a lovely day!

1 comment:

sister sheri said...

Bummer! What a tease! I thought you were doing a "giveaway"!!! :)