Monday, March 8, 2010


I told you the pear tree finally blossomed!
What I didn't tell you was that I ordered batteries from Amazon last week, I got two packages of rechargeable camera batteries for $10, delivered to my house.
Now if I could only get milk delivered to my house for less than it costs at the store that would be amazing. Since my Publix across the street has been demolished at not yet rebuilt I have been using more powdered milk. I have never gone through powdered milk so quickly, usually one box lasts 6 months and I occasionally use it in recipees. Maybe I should check to see how much Amazon would charge for that!

Pulled out my next Bible Memory Verse this morning and taped it over the sink and over the computer desk and got one ready to take to the car.

We, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which come from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
2 Cor 3:18

Speaking of hiding God's word in your heart...yesterday in the middle of a conversation..
"Let your light shine before men so that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven." came out of my heart.
When I said I couldn't tell her where it came from,
another friend quickly said, "The Bible."
We all laughed.
When I shared the story with family at dinner, Stewart was quick to add the verse, "Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl."
After looking up the references this morning I am remembering that a couple of years ago we all worked on memorizing Matthew 5. And I didn't think any of it stuck with me, guess I was wrong. The Holy Spirit knows when to deliver


Gloria said...

I'm proud of you and admire your efforts!

sister sheri said...

Love that verse... "transformed into his likeness"!

And thanks so much for sharing your conversation... although there is benefit in knowing the location of a verse... it isn't as important as using it as the Spirit leads.

I don't think I could drink powdered milk.. or use it for cereal.