Monday, January 10, 2011

While a good part of my family has snow, it's rain for us today.
Lately I've been eating left over spinach salad on a whole wheat pita for lunch, and a big apple.

Lately I've been calling my dad every day to check on him and encourage him that he is getting better.

Lately I've had to color my hair every couple of weeks to cover the new gray....Elise says I need to do it today.

Lately Elise has been telling me what to do way tooo much.

Lately the boys and I have been trying to keep each other accountable with our daily reading using the Youversion website.

Lately I've been trying to read through O Jerusalem by Laurie King but I'm only half way through and would really like to spend the rest of the day reading it.

Lately lotion has been applied to my hands several times a day, am loving the Carmex hand cream but my step mom had Neutrogena Foot Cream that was excellent on my hands.

Lately I've had self image issues, and also feeling like I am fighting a cold and tired....still exercising though.
Last week, Elise and Emmett rode their bike for my 4 mile jog.....Elise was okay for the first two miles, not so much the last half...Emmett did fine the whole way.

Lately I've taken to imagining the car that I've been driving behind for the past 10 minutes is being delivered to my house or while I'm waiting on Josh to pick me up from the embroidery job that the shiny new truck that is driving up is Josh in my new truck...Delusional I tell you, quite mad, something is amiss in my synapses.

Have you had any delusions lately?


Gloria said...

Back home and caught up on what has been happening in your world that last few weeks that I've been away. I'm sorry to hear about your dad's blockages, but happy they caught them before any major damage had happened. It is always hard when you have to be the strong one for your parents and it sounds like you stood on your faith to give you strength.

I am so proud of your jogging!

Lately I have been delusional about recreating the Sonya's Garden experience in my own back yard.

Lately, I have been wishing that wild bamboo grew in the preserve behind our house so that I could cut it down and use it for free to build raised garden boxes for my delusional garden.

sister sheri said...

My delusion would have something to do with the dryer. I am thinking that the dryer is much too hot and shrinking all my clothes.

My other delusion is that I will find cheaper airline tickets if I wait for it.

Hoping your dad is doing better!