Wednesday, June 15, 2011


You have circled this mountain long enough, now turn north. Deut.2:3
My ambitious soul sisters from church and I are going to plow through Made to Crave by Lysa Terkeurst this summer.  We meet this morning.
I'm  a slacker.
Bought the book yesterday.
Read chapter 1 last night, fell asleep.
I'm also an early riser.
Got up at 5 and read chapter 2 and flipped through the book.
At the end she has "Healthy Eating Scripts".
Deut. 2:3 really popped off the page for me.
I think it may be my summer verse.
Before I posted though, I wanted to read it in context.
Did you know there was a ESV Literary Bible online?  (Well I didn't before I googled the verse. ) The overview of the chapter made me think that the verse might be taken out of context but then as I read on I stumbled over these words:
2:7" For the Lord your God has blessed you in all the work of your hands. He knows your going through this great wilderness. These forty years the Lord your God has been with you. You have lacked nothing.”
How many times have I felt unblessed?
How many times does the Lord my God seem to not be with me.
How many times do I feel lack?
He knows my going through this great wilderness.
Heavy Sigh.
And so I am not disappointed in what I found and my soul is refreshed with the promises. 
I am looking forward to walking through this book with Anne and Julie and thinking of my other soul sisters and wishing they were coming over today to discuss it too.


Gloria said...

You have circled this mountain long enough....what a powerful moment.

You are the 4th person to mention Made to Crave. I love that you have a group of soul sisters. I still struggle to find a group at my church. I thought I finally found one and I attended for the life of the group until the canceled it! Oh well....

gideonmommasita said...
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SenoraSabrosita said...

yeah, i heard crave is pretty intense. Enjoy the ride. Look forward to hearing more about it.