Thursday, July 19, 2007


"The level of my growth in grace is revealed by the way I look at obedience." A quote from today's Oswald Chambers Utmost. Grace is something that has not gotten hold of my heart. It is not part of the fabric of my thoughts or actions. "Amazing Grace" is probably the first hymn I knew by heart but it never entered my heart. How does someone raised in the church not learn about grace and humbleness. Surely I have been taught what God wants me to learn and is even at work at teaching me now.
Jesus, I am Resting, Resting.
O, how great Thy loving Kindness,
Vaster, broader than the sea!
O, how marvelous Thy goodness,
Lavished all on me!
Yes, I rest in Thee, Beloved,
Know what wealth of grace is Thine,
Know Thy certainty of promise
And have made it mine.


Melissa said...

Love your post. Oswald Chambers is one of my favorite authors. I love Jack Johnson. His music from "Curious George" is my favorite.

Melissa said...

BTW, Congrats on your weight loss!