Friday, October 26, 2007

Forget it Friday or What happened to Weigh Wednesday

No one weighed in this week. I checked my weight on Monday when I was at Publix getting my bag of prescriptions for the infirmed(Elise has strep and Stewart has a cough). So what now? Are we maintaining through the holidays or do we make slow steady progress? We joined the Y last February and I have been exercising fairly regularly ever since. It was only over the summer though that I began to lose weight when I ate more salads and worked in the yard. It is frustrating to work at something for so long and get so little progress. Kinda sounds like my christian walk, cooking, parenting...anything could fill in that blank. This was the first summer ever that I didn't gain weight, thanks to Weigh Wednesday. I would like to keep going though, not lose ground, maybe even lose 5 by Christmas. Last night I got into the candy pumpkins...yuck, why did I even do that? This morning it was back to some scrambled eggs. I walked once this week and have kept up with my arm and leg circles throughout the day...did you know that chewing gum burns 11 calories? Woe is me....Isaiah's lamentation just popped into my head..."Then I said, woe is me, for I am ruined! Because I am a man of unclean lips, And I live among a people of unclean lips" Is.6:5 Amen?


Melissa said...

I don't know Emily. I bought buy1 get 1 candy bars at Publix this week. I'm in big trouble. I'm not gaining, but I'm definitely not losing.
We will continue and endure.

CroppinRobin said...

I'm belly and calendar!
I'm definitely forgetting it this friday....but not for good!
Between birthday cake, wedding cake and cookie dough....I've not been good.
Let's keep going....let's not stop!