Friday, November 9, 2007


This morning I clicked on "Next Blog" (which is the NavBar) after reading one of my friend's blog. This morning it did not take me to a harmless crafting or cooking site. Blogger has "flag this blog" also in the NavBar but in my haste to leave the site I forgot to do that. It is not possible to go back and flag. There are other blog lands out there...Wordpress for one that I'm wondering if it is safer. I know that stuff is out there and we have quite a bit of filters on our computer for searches but evidently not for accidental next blog clicking. Blogger Beware!


Sherry Hayes said...

I made the same mistake the other day hitting next blog-I've warned several others not to go there-what a shame.

Melissa said...

It's unfortunate that something as great as blogging is corrupted by that stuff. It hate that!

Cloverland Farm said...

you should check out typepad.

CroppinRobin said...

yes, that is pretty unbelievable. hannah said that she clicked next blog before....
i know that typepad costs $$, does wordpress? although, hate to have to change everything over....