Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Rejoicing in Prayer

For whom do you rejoice over in prayer? We got a note today from some dear friends saying they "were rejoicing in the Lord during prayer" for us. When I asked Josh who we rejoice for, he said we don't even rejoice.
Phil. 4:4 comes to mind, I've been singing that one since Jenine Raye taught it during children's church time 30 years ago but I don't think I've ever thought about rejoicing in the Lord for someone. Crosswalk lists 123 results for the word rejoice, a few to many to post here. Again, the link function isn't working or I would direct you there with a simple click. Here's hoping you're rejoicing today in some way.

1 comment:

Gloria said...

That's some good stuff to think about. I recently joined a woman's group at my church. I am really enjoying it as I have never been part of one in this manner before. How this relates to your post is that I have noticed a recurring theme that they say they are praying for joy in my life. It made me question myself - do I walk around with a frown all the time or in a melancholy spirit- are those the vibes that set off? That isn't exactly how I want my witness to be...or is it because I have shared with them our unfulfilled desire to have children that they see that struggle and reason that I need joy?

Okay so it isn't exactly a direct response to your blog rejoicing vs. joy, but hey - it could make it's way around some winding corners to connect the 2 thoughts.