Across the street from a beach access, this house is for sale. Just in case you are in the market for that type of thing and not married to someone who espouses "neither poverty nor riches."
It was beautiful from the street and from the beach.
It isn't the beach we normally go to, unfortunately I forgot to take my camera yesterday. There is a lovely house for sale at the Third Street Beach Access in Atlantic Beach as well. Normally we get to the beach by 9 and leave by 12, yesterday though, I had to drag the kids back to the car at 4. We kept our faces sufficiently smoothered in sunscreen but of course there were spots that we missed.
Isn't that the case with our Christian Walk? We think we are sufficiently grounded in God's word and then He allows us to see the ugliness of sin that still burns us.
Another little FYI...
Overheard in the showers this morning at the Y were two Irish ladies talking about how bad American Butter is and one can't make a good scone unless you have some Irish Butter. Huh..didn't know that.
Then they said that KerriGold Butter was almost as good and could do in a pinch. One of the ladies said she even brought some Irish butter back to America last time she went home to Ireland.
The only scones I have made have been from mixes but after overhearing that conversation it makes me want to run over to Publix and grab some KerriGold.
Scone are so easy to make. I just watched a "Baking with Julia Child" and they had such a simple scone recipe it was Episode 207. Scones have been on my mind, I might just make a pot of tea and scones for myself tomorrow. I'll have to go find that butter.
Love the sunscreen analogy!
i truly love your posts!
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