Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The big picture

On several blogs I have seen ornament wreaths and it is something I have wanted to make for a couple of years but I really couldn't see shelling out even $10 bucks for the ornaments. Over Thanksgiving, Jennifer and I went to a Thrift store and I found a bag of ornaments for $1 and happily scooped them up with the wreath in mind...I pay a buck for anything. Really though, I have been thinking if I saved all those $1 spent here and there I really might be able to accumulate a stash to spend on something more substantial,...maybe even send to a mission...but I digress.
Last week when I put the balls on the hanger (possibly our only metal hanger) they only filled the hanger half way up. Didn't I know it would take a colossal bag to actually make a small wreath...and now what do I do?
I left it hanging on one of the spare chairs in my dining room not wanting to make a decision about it.
Last night Josh and I were out at a "dollar store" and I only had a few things to get but you have to spend $5 to use your debit so I got three tubes of balls and Viola, two problems solved in one.

Two years ago I took Elise and Emmett to see Santa and took a wonderful picture of them, last year I tried to do the same and again this year. This year's isn't bad, it just isn't as good as two years ago. I stood in the same spot as two years ago but I should have stood on the other side so that the tree would be in the picture instead of his side table and lamp. Sometimes I can't see the big picture.
I am hoping to see the big picture in the next 4 days and not go into pre-travel freak out mode.

1 comment:

sister sheri said...

Lovely Wreath! How crafty!