Friday, September 3, 2010

Heartache, Trust, Reasons

Every morning Air1 puts a smile on our face...literally, I am driving down the road with a big huge cheesy grin and singing...really loud during the Friday dance song.  But I digress.  One of my favorite songs right now is No Matter What by Kerrie Roberts. 
Last Sunday our Pastor rapped up his sermon series on suffering and after the service I asked the couple behind us if sermons like that still take them back to when their 9 year old son was dying of brain cancer?  Beth said, it will always be with them, and in fact, there is a boy in a kindergarten class at the school  where she teaches, that has brain cancer and is not expected to live so she has cried many  a tear the past couple of weeks as she has walked with his parents through their pain. 
So I ask God to remember Beth and Cathron when I hear this song, especially when she sings the line, "Before a heartache can ever touch my life, it has to go through your hands".  What a tremendous promise of care God has for us.  And the thought crossed my feeble human mind this morning, it must be a tremendous thing to know about your know all this heartache is going to happen to His children before they ever do.  But I guess He has the blessed ability to see the end at the same time and the end is so glorious isn't it?  If we could only see "When you take that first step Into the unknown You know that he won't let you go" like Britt Nicole sings in her song Walk on the Water. If we could only see that He has us at every step. 
My other favorite songs right now are Avalanche by Manifest and NY2LA by Press Play...they just make me want to crank up the volume not grab a Kleenex.

Kerrie Roberts - No Matter What


sister sheri said...

Thanks for the recommendations! I was just thinking that I wanted to post my latest downloads... now, I have a few more to add!

Gloria said...

I was going to say shake your booty! But then I thought maybe it isn't appropriate to say when we are talking about God focused music. But then the Psalms do say to praise him with dance..... so shake your booty, sing out loud, smile big cheesy grins!

Oh, did you know that you can get an e-mail notification when someone posts on your blog.... just figured that out. Not that I need it much since you and I are the only ones actively blogging. Thanks for keeping up with my life. Have a great week!