Saturday, September 11, 2010

All over that

This is what I found this morning.
It's funny to me because Josh is saying: I miss being on a cruise, do you?
My dad took our family on another cruise.
Carnival, out of Jacksonville to Nasau and Half Moon Cay in the Bahamas.
The weeks leading up to it I was a little nervous, a few days before, near panic because there were 16 ft waves. The day we left it was 4ft waves, but beautiful. And that was the way it was for the next 4 days.
I was also nervous because the parents of my BFF Susan also went on the cruise and I didn't know if my dad and them would enjoy each other's company. Don't ya know I prayed about that the past couple of months. Have I mentioned how much I hate group interactions? I can only handle one person at a time and sometimes that is too much.
BUT I still very much want to have lunch with Gloria VERY soon.
Sorry for that commercial interuption.
Stewart was the cruise director, he ran into the Mankowski's regularly and put a smile on their face, he pursued playing Whist with my dad and he did the waterslides with Emmett and Elise. Have I told you how much he is like his father...always looking out for other people while having a grand time for himself? Mom and Pop Mankowski said he should be a model...when I told him it might be an easy way to make money he was all over that.
On a side note, did you notice my shower curtain? I wanted to show it to you this summer but never got around to it. A couple of years ago I got a stomach virus and it my sick stupor of cleaning up after myself I sprayed cleaner everywhere and got bleach spots all across the bottom of the curtain. I have been looking ever since for something to replace it with but I really liked those colors. The grommets on the striped one were falling apart so something really needed to be done. This summer I found that aqua curtain, so I cut it apart and the striped one and sewed them together. That was my big summer project. ;)
We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8 : 28


Melissa said...

Another cruise? Wow!!!! You are so blessed!

Linda said...

hi,my dear friend,i like this article and bookmark,thanks for sharing!Best regards!