Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Joining In on the Wednesday Weigh In

It was 9:30 pm when I "checked back" to Robin's blog and saw exactly what she had in mind. I wanted partner in this excellent idea, fortunately Publix is across the street so John-Thomas joined me in a gallivant to start the adventure. I thought I remember calculating my BMI once and it told me how much weight I had to lose but the two sites I tried tonight just said I am overweight. Nuff said. Josh said he would pay me $10 a week but he is joining me so I said "what about you?" His reply was "I'm not posting my fatself on the web." The month before I got pregnant with Elise he and I lost a decent amount of weight together, so I'm thinking if this is going to work for me he needs to join the fun as well! I just want a new dress for trip to N.C. in July that's all I'm asking for....well and maybe some shoes too...nice ones not Goodwill (not that there's anything wrong with that, I have found some great shoes there, just not dressy ones).


CroppinRobin said...

I'm cracking up....What have I started?
I'm glad you've joined Weigh Wednesday. Absolutley loved your scale picture. I'll have to remember that next Wednesday. What did John-Thomas think of you posing on the scale...or better yet, what did customers and employees think? I can just imagine Josh saying he didn't want to post his 'fatself' on the web.
P.S. I'm obsessed with reading everyone's blog...and check it more than once a day...just 'checkin in'

Melissa said...

I love your pics. What a cute and creative gal you are! Tell me again, why are you trying to lose weight? You look great!