Friday, September 28, 2007

Must post pics

Away with the old on with the new! Mike said the couch was a must post so here it is! Someone from Freecycle came to get the old couch around 5pm and the new was delivered around 7:30. John-Thomas went with me on sofa hunt on Tuesday and gave his comments on all the couches so when we stoped at the 5th store I let him stay in the car to play his gameboy...but then got him to give his opinion...He sat down on it and said it was good...I think he spied the gamecube set up a few feet away and didn't really look a the couch because after it was delivered last night he said "Why did you get that ugly plaid couch?!" So maybe you'll agree with John-Thomas that it is the ugliest plaid you have ever seen, I don't know, Josh was nice enough not to say anything negative last night when he got home from his first FCCJ class. (He's finally going back to get his degree. :) )
I had to pull down my blue toile curtains, but I remembered that my little loveseat had cranberry toile covers under the blue and tan check covers so as long as I have some toile I'll be happy. I picked up a $25 area rug at Fred's this afternoon so all that's left is to redo the rocker's cushions from blue to ? and put up matching curtains and I'll be happy. It was so nice sitting all together last night working on our fighter verse together on the new furniture.


CroppinRobin said...

looks great...i really like the fabric on the chair...and i don't think the plaid is ugly at all.

Melissa said...

Really pretty! I love the coordinating colors in the chair. It POPS!