Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Another Introduction

Ever had an introduction conversation with someone only to find out you already knew them? That's what happened at church last winter. Chris was wearing a FSU jacket so I stroke up a fellow fan conversation and learned he went to FSU the same time I did and was in the Marching Chiefs like my roomates and was Baptist then. Hello! How many times did he come to pick up my roomate? I am so clueless. Fast Forward to now. Chris has a blog that I periodically check. This morning I noticed he had put a video he made for church up on his blog. It left me with a moving sense that God can do great things and will continue. Chris's wife is wonderful. I got to know her through a Bible study on Roman's we did together.

1 comment:

Sherry Hayes said...

Kinda reminds me of when I read your blog for several months and never put it together that I knew you too. I should have known by the pictures of the boys at the top of your blog. HELLOOOOOOO.
I love reading your blog. Your are awesome.