Friday, November 2, 2007

Friday Forward

I was given a stack of assorted magazines and have been working my way through them. I love reading recipes and looking at decorating and fancy houses that in good conscious I will never have (there are starving missionaries in Hungry). The August issue of Good Housekeeping had a series of stories called Half my Size. I'm reading these women's stories and am just amazed at what they all accomplished. It took them 1-4 yrs to get off their weight which lets me know that instant gratification is not all that reasonable in our Weigh Wednesday journey. Each of the women had different methods and exercise that they used but one that caught my eye was Jump Roping! It burns more calories than jogging and you don't have to go anywhere. Yesterday I tried using the kid's jump rope that came from school but I think it's a little short. Do I dare go buy one? I hate buying fitness equipment! Looks like my best best for buying one is at Dick's Sports. The Good Housekeeping website has a great diet and health section, even a place where you tell them what you're craving and they give you a better alternative. Unfortunately they don't tell you that if you are craving FOOD maybe you should shut your mouth. :)


CroppinRobin said...

Love it.....The photos of Elise, the color of the photos, the way you positioned them, your post....
However, can you imagine me jumping rope? (Smile)

Melissa said...

Great pics, Emily! I need to regain some momentum on WW!!

Gloria said...

Arthur jumped rope for a bit. He said it was great cardio - My only complaint was that he would do it in the house! The whack, whack, whack of the rope on the tile would make me cringe.

Your list of things that you have changed your mind about has piqued my curiosity...???????

CroppinRobin said...

your comfort food may comfort me too...i'll have to give it a try. the smell of onions and celery sauting comfort me...