Saturday, July 31, 2010

Suffering for Christ

The general suffering from living in a fallen world has been a theme weaving through my thoughts since Stephens death last October.  Between last weeks Beth Moore video, the sermon on Sunday, this week's Beth Moore study and then this week's No Other God's study, it has been shouting to me. It has made me cry, it has made me grumpy, it has given me hope, it has made me think outside of what my day to day life operates around.  Sunday's whole sermon was worth quoting but instead I am including two quotes he used:

"Misfortune & death are certainly ‘normal’ in the sense that they are universally experienced, but they are not normal when viewed from God’s intention in creation & his plan in redemption.
The idea that normal life...should always be harmonious & free from suffering, despite universal
suffering and death, remains a lingering echo of life in Eden as God created it before the fall." -Karen Jobes (commentary on 1 Peter)

Jon Stott "The essence of sin is we human beings substituting ourselves for God, while the essence of salvation is God substituting himself for us. We . . . put ourselves where only God deserves to be; God . . . puts himself where we deserve to be [on the Cross]."

What does all that have to do with the pictures?  They were a highlight of this past weeks activitiy.  My neighbor took us out in the boat and we all had a turn out on the water...what a treat to go in the middle of the day on a weekday when there was NO one out on a normally busy waterway!

 See here for more ties to a related subject I ran across while looking for the Karen Jobes quote.


sister sheri said...

Sounds like God has really got your attention. Praying that you experience Him fully and completely as He brings you comfort and revelation.

Melissa said...

Wow, that John Stott quote is so powerful! I may have to steal it for a facebook status.
I missed you 2 weekends ago. We got together with the O'Donnells at our St. Augustine rendevous. Someone pooped in the pool, which required them to close the pool for 5 hours.....grrrr.